Searching In AI: A Basic Topic Of AI
Have you ever faced a problem? The first thing that you will do after facing a problem is to find a way to get rid of this problem. For this purpose you will look for different ways that can potentially solve your problem. Similarly, in AI, specific models are formed to solve specific problems using a way to solve it.
The way that is used to solve a problem is called as Algorithm. Algorithms are basically mathematical equations that take an input as a problem and then find a way to solve that problem to provide a desire output. These things are collectively called as searching.
Searching is a process that contains an initial point, final point and a way to to approach from initial to final point. This way is basically an algorithm. AI models work on different algorithms to solve different problems. Searching is of two types:
- Informed searching
- Uninformed searching
Searching contains three main factors:
- Search space: Search space contain all possible solutions for a problem. It will provide ways to solve a problem and the most optimal way is considered.
- Start state: It is a state where the agent starts searching.
- Goal state: It determines whether the goal state is achieved or not.